Vocational Education and Training for Europe 

The European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) an umbrella association gathering an heterogenous range of educational providers in the common interest of enhancing, upgrading and harmonising Vocational Education and Training (VET) at a European level. 


Its mission lies in breaking down traditional hierarchies between VET and higher education and promoting the qualitative improvement of vocational schools and training and in promoting VET as a first choice. EVBB has more than 65 members coming both from the private and the public sector and covers all fields related to initial, advanced and further education and training. 

Neither politically nor denominationally affiliated, EVBB strives for a borderless, pluralistic and fulfilling education as an essential means to shape our democracy and society. Its activities are not focused on business operations or making a profit. It serves solely and exclusively non-profit purposes within the meaning of the General Fiscal Law as it is valid in the Federal Republic of Germany. 

Objectives and Duties 


In accordance with its Articles of Association, the duty of the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training promotes youths and adults alike in the following areas: 

  • Scientific, technical and industrial training, with a specific focus on developing new environmental curricula and qualifications; 
  • Geriatric care, work with the disabled and nursing services; 
  • Lifelong learning training and continuing education; 
  • Refresher and advanced training; 
  • Media literacy and digital skills; 
  • Citizenship and critical thinking;
  • Relational skills and value education.  


 EVBB members, executive committee, secretariat general and quality commission monitor EVBB office compliance with the above-mentioned duties and with the pursuit of the objective listed here below: 

  • Meeting the challenges within the domain of vocational training and encouraging the advancement of pan-European positions. 
  • Representing the common interests of its members and the European institutes in public and in front of national and supranational authorities, the European Parliament, the European Commission, European institutes and national institutes and authorities. 
  • Promoting cooperation among its members and encouraging networking and partnership between them, organizing vocational education in the member states and at a European level. 
  • Setting up binding quality criteria for the work in vocational education for its members . 
  • Organising national and international specialist conferences at which the future prospects for vocational education and training are developed, positions and points of view and the examples for successful projects in national or European policies are shared and showcased as good practice. 
  • Workshops, courses and seminars conducted within the scope of the EVBB’s own European projects and those of its members. 
  • Together with the Adalbert Kitsche Foundation, awarding the “DIE EUROPA” Prize for innovative projects to promote disadvantaged youths within the context of its annual international context. 

Key Activities  

Some key activities that have been with dealt with in EVBB projects are : 

  • Quality assurance in vocational education 
  • Promoting practical orientation in vocational education and training 
  • The integration of youth into society 
  • Initiatives against long-term unemployment 
  • Initiatives against youth unemployment 
  • European networks, cooperation and projects.