Smart Cities Body of Knowledge

Smart Cities Body of Knowledge


This book is the main deliverable of the SmartDevOps project, and it is the first systematic approach on smart cities competences development. It offers curricula for developing the required knowledge coherently and systematically. The profession and skills presented were elaborated from various viewpoints, through laborious market research. This Body of Knowledge was developed in the context of the SmartDevOps project, concluding that three new job professions are required for smart city professionals, namely: Smart City Planner, Smart City IT Manager and SmartCity IT officer


© 2021 Smart DevOps Competences for Smart Cities
ERASMUS+ Project: 601015-EPP-1-2018-1-EL-EPPKA2-SSA
Facebook: @SmartDevOpsEU
Twitter: @devops_smart
ISBN: 978-9963-711-91-8

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