About the project
The DEVOPS project aims to close the gap between today’s and future’s skills demands of municipal workforce by emphasizing on the exploitation of emerging employment paradigms such as DevOps
…is to develop a job profile for Smart Cities DevOps professionals.
The project will produce a multitude of diverse outputs and outcomes, printed and online, tangible and intangible, including reports, methodologies and policies, VET curricula, standards, digital content and tools, courses, publications, events and communities of practice.

Training will be delivered via an online platform that stimulates sharing and exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices.
SMART-DevOps will improve the quality and composition of competences that qualified smart cities DevOps professionals currently have, changing the employability characteristics of the smart cities sector and affecting the overall quality of experience offered to citizens.
The project brings into light the emerging job profiles in the smart cities sector and at the same time proves the efficiency of inclusive and versatile novel VET methodologies and tools.
The project aims to:
- Identify competencies and job role profiles of Smart Cities DevOps professionals.
- Design and deliver a VET curricula combining digital and transferable skills, including a MOOC, open educational resources (OERs), e-learning, face-to-face training and work based experience.
- Pilot the training in Cyprus, Germany, Greece, and Italy and evaluate the experience.
- Create and support communities of practice where professionals, trainers, employers will continue to work together to improve the Smart Cities sector.
- Relate to European and national qualification frameworks and the European credit system for vocational education and training to facilitate mobility and recognition.
- Use recognised frameworks such as EQAVET and e-CF to ensure quality and transferability.