DevOps competences for Smart Cities
- P1 (UTH) will coordinate the overall management of the project in order to ensure the effective and efficient achievement of all project aims and activities, within the time designated, according to financial availability and rules.
- The Smart-DevOps Project Management Handbook will be produced at the beginning of the project by P1 in order to provide the Consortium with specific guidelines for project management and the realization of project activities, in line with the grant agreement and the bilateral contracts
- Five transnational project meetings involving all the partners will be organized and hosted by P2, P5, P6, P10 and P12 in the respective countries. The meetings will allow partners to discuss and review the project management, the progress and the achievement of results and developing tasks. They are scheduled to coincide, when appropriate, with project milestones so that technical project reviews can be included in the agenda. Different virtual meetings will be scheduled between plenary meetings in order to better oversee project deadlines ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of resources and time.
- WP2 pursues the following main objectives: a) transfer of knowledge from other projects, b) maps the training needs and offers for smart cities DevOps professionals at national and European levels c) describes at least 3 emerging job role profiles for smart cities DevOps professionals
- Milestone: job role profiles for smart cities DevOps professionals identified.
- KPIs: no of sources reviewed; no of people interviewed; no of questionnaires; no of emerging job role profiles.
- WP3 produces the VET curricula that can be used to train according to the job role profiles specified in WP2 and their “ingredients”, namely the methodology, the training modules and the handbooks.
- Milestone: training contents available.
- KPIs: no of VET curricula; no of training modules; no of handbooks etc.
- WP4 is the deployment of the developed MOOC to smart cities DevOps professionals. It consists of the basic competences of the new job roles.
- Milestone: Availability of MOOC platform and Commencement of MOOC
- KPIs: no of training modules; no of trainee applications; no of users successfully completing the MOOC; users assessment rates.
- WP5 refers to the Piloting of a Specialisation Course to ensure that the modularized curriculum is fit-for-purpose, relevant to the identified professional needs and highly consistent with EQF-ECVET. The learning-outcomes approach will be applied to the creation of job profiles and the design of training modules taking into account the ECVET principles in order to facilitate recognition of learning and mobility. It will be based on Units of Learning Outcomes (Los) as the set of knowledge, skills and competences required for the development of a specific expertise. The planned activities within each training module will foster, in a progressive and preparatory way, the acquisition of the competences and further application to specific and real situations. EQAVET principles will be applied during the whole project.
- Milestone: training completion.
- KPIs: no of training modules; no of participating employers in the WBL; no of trainees successfully completing the training; etc.
- WP6 will assess each of the components of the VET curriculum as well as the methodology and the tools provided by the project.
- Milestone: training completion.
- KPIs: no of evaluation criteria, no of questionnaires, no of interviews, no of recommendations.
WP7 – ALLDigital
- WP7 will place at the heart of the project a sound dissemination and exploitation plan, as well as activities addressing specific needs of target groups and stakeholders. The main tasks included are: a) Creating the project web site b) Producing dissemination material c) Organizing dissemination and exploitation events d) Forming and sustaining Communities of Practice e) Maximizing accessibility of project outcomes by providing versions adapted to national contexts and f) Organizing a major final conference with European impact.
- Milestone: job profiles available, training complete.
- KPIs: No of web site visits (Google analytics), No of stakeholders in the database, No of printed dissemination items produced / delivered, No of digital dissemination items produced / delivered, No of tangible dissemination items produced / delivered, No of communication / dissemination activities, No of audience members reached, No of publications, No of exploitation activities, No of people attending the events, No of CoPs formed, No of OERs adapted, No of downloads of digital content, No of people attending the final conference.
- WP8 will ensure the quality of all working processes carried out during the project and perform quality control of project results. Both internal and external evaluation has been foreseen.
- KPIs: Indicators will be included in the QA plan
- Project Quality Plan (PQP) will define the general approach to quality assurance and control, internal and external