We are proudly announcing that SmartDevops material has been uploaded to Greek Digital Academy. SmartDevOps results have been included to the educational resources of Greek Citizens’ Digital Academy (https://nationaldigitalacademy.gov.gr/texnologies-aixmhs-6) under a new section labelled as smart cities.

This section includes 15 SmartDevops cources in Greek and English and it is FREELY available.
- Smart Cities Business Models and Financial Management
- Smart Cities Resilience
- Green Smart Cities
- Smart Cities Platforms
- Smart Cities Digital Twins
- Citizen Driven/Citizen Orientation/User Experience Design
- Smart Cities Procurement
- Smart Cities Services and Operating Procedures
- Smart Cities Standards and Legal Issues
- Smart Cities Sustainability
- Urban Management
- DevOps Basic Concepts, Culture and Practices
- DevOps Continuous Integration
- DevOps Repository Management
- DevOps Using Build, Deployment and Monitoring Tools
I would like to thank all SmartDevOps partners and especially EDEX for the effort to migrate the educational material to a new structure.
Further, I would like to thank the Greek Citizens’ Digital Academy for including in their systems our material.