Best Practices for Smart Cities

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Best Practices for Smart Cities

ANCI (the National Municipalities Association in Italy), UNCEM (the National Union of Mountain Communities) and the Smart City Group invited project partner Stati Generali dell’Innovazione (SGI) to participate in the workshop Best Practices for Smart Cities.  The event took place at the ANCI’s national headquarters in Rome, last November 13th. 

Attending allowed us to show Smart DevOps, specifically the training proposals for Smart Cities.

According to the event organizers, the urban development and rethinking actions based on the model of the smart city are becoming increasingly important on the agenda of Italian Municipalities, with an evident acceleration, given by the needs of the population that is asking for their implementation. A significant number of municipalities, especially medium-sized ones, have experimented and implemented high-quality interventions on specific sectors (sustainable mobility, e-government, energy efficiency, enhancement of cultural heritage, data management). Currently, they are starting to work towards the massive integration of services to the citizen.

Smart DevOps training proposals was the main focus of SGI’s speech by Sergio Farruggia “Experiences, Competences and Training Proposals to the Smart City”, one of four within the session.

Participants appreciated the subject and some of them requested information about the next project phases.

The event was attended by the Italian Minister of Public Function, the President of ANCI-Lazio, the Regional Councillor for Public Works and Land Protection of Lazio, the Deputy General Secretary of ANCI. Smart City qualified experts from the industry, research and service sectors attended as well.