On 29th May 2019, Prof. Dr. Hans Rüdiger Kaufmann from the University of Applied Management Studies Mannheim presented the DevOps project at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Mannheim to interest groups from industry, commerce, public services, administrative and educational bodies. Among other prominent participants, the meeting was attended by Mr. Mehl, former Senator and Vice-president and Finance Director of the Internationaler Bund (IB) and Mr. Fojkar, President of the EVBB (European Association of Further Education).
The meeting was organised by the University of Applied Management Studies Mannheim and took place in the framework of the biannual meeting with the university stakeholders – a formal event used to share with the university stakeholders the new activities of the university.
The DevOps project raised a high interest among the participants. They congratulated HdWM team for being engaged in such a trendy topic and acknowledged the importance of this topic as Mannheim is increasingly striving to become a Smart City. Questions related to the number of questionnaires to be distributed, the dissemination of the results and how and where the results are going to be implemented were raised.