Smart-DevOps presented its case on developing training methodology and content at the webinar on 24 March

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Smart-DevOps presented its case on developing training methodology and content at the webinar on 24 March

On 24 March 2021, ALL DIGITAL and Smart-DevOps Project Consortium organised the online event “Developing training methodologies and content for specific job profiles. Presentation of Smart-DevOps case”.

To watch the recording of the event, please scroll down

The event was organised within the All Digital Week 2021 campaign, the annual digital inclusion and empowerment campaign that our partner ALL DIGITAL has been running since 2010 to raise awareness on the importance of digital skills and support Europeans who do not have sufficient digital skills to be part of the modern society and benefit from the digital transformation.


Our DevOps Competences for Smart Cities (Smart-DevOps) project is an Erasmus+ KA2/Sector Skills Alliances project that addresses the shortage of digital and transferable skills of public sector employees working in smart cities / municipalities and will support them in their professional development.

Combination of a specific approach (DevOps), field (public sector employees in smart cities and municipalities) and lack of educational programmes or courses in the field meant the project consortium started practically from scratch. It started with in-depth research and analysis of the needs and available trainings to identify the most competitive and high valued skills and competences, continued with identification of the three new professions/job profiles and concluded by developing a MOOC and specialisation courses based on modular design, utilizes open content (digital OERs) and enables flexible learning pathways.

At the “Developing training methodologies and content for specific job profiles” event, 70 participants learned:

  • What is Smart-DevOps project and why DevOps skills are needed in operating smart cities.
  • How to identify an emerging job profile in a specific field and how to prepare it for developing of training methodologies and contents.
  • How to go from identifying job profiles/competence profiles to building an online educational programme that follows ECVET standards. Presentation with examples from Smart DevOps.


Check the speakers’ presentations and watch the video below to learn the details.


(hyperlinked timings refer to the video recording)

00:00:00 Moderator: Borut Cink, ALL DIGITAL

00:06:48 Welcome and introduction. Peter Palvolgyi, CEO of ALL DIGITAL. See the presentation
00:14:23  What is DevOps Competences for Smart Cities and why we need it. Prof Panos Fitsilis, University of Thessaly. See the presentation
00:34:00 Identification of emerging job roles for specific field. Prof Dolores Sanchez Bengoa, University of Applied Management Studies Mannheim. See the presentation
00:54:36  Design and development of training methodologies and contents. Dr. Theodor Panagiotakopoulos, Hellenic Open University – DAISSy Research Group
How to go from identifying job profiles/competence profiles to building an online educational programme that follows ECVET standards. Presentation with examples from Smart-DevOps. See the presentation
01:07:02 Q&A with the audience and conclusions. Borut Cink, ALL DIGITAL