Athens Science Festival 2020

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Athens Science Festival 2020

Since its launch in 2014, the Athens Science Festival  has established itself as one of the biggest celebrations of science and technology in Greece.

For one week every Spring, school children and other visitors from the wider Athens area take the opportunity to explore science in fun, innovative and interactive ways, while researchers, teachers, distinguished scientists, artists and performers give their very best to communicate science and make it part of their audience’s everyday lives.

With more than 33,000 visitors every year, the Athens Science Festival has not only achieved its original objectives, but has also managed to broaden them. Each year it delivers on its promise by connecting science with everyday life and promoting the role of science in society, presenting high quality scientific research carried out in Greece, looking for answers to complex questions and debating controversial scientific issues, inspiring and creating new standards in the scientific field, and encouraging young people to consider a career in science. However, its main achievement is that it has proved to young and old alike that science is not just about learning, but also about having fun.

The theme of this year’s festival is Artificial Intelligence (AI). Through a variety of activities –  tailored for every age group – we will try to highlight the new possibilities that AI opens up, explore its relationship with key areas of our lives and provide answers to questions such as:

  • What is AI?
  • As a new tool, how much does AI control or facilitate our everyday life?
  • To what extent can machine intelligence replace human intelligence?
  • How does AI relate to other cognitive domains?
  • Is it necessary to engage with ethics, philosophy, the humanities and social sciences as a whole?
  • Will our life eventually turn into nothing more than a huge ‘database’?
WhenWednesday 1 April to Sunday 5 April 2020
100 Pireos Street
118 54 Athens